In classic kart-racing form, each character drives a vehicle with different attributes - such as acceleration, handling, and top-speed - allowing players to choose a ride that complements their driving style or to pick a character best suited for the challenges of a particular course. Eggman, as well as Ai Ai and his monkey-balled companions, and the maracas-shaking Amigo from the Dreamcast's hit rhythm game. Players choose to race as a favorite Sega game character, from a roster of 20 that includes Sonic, Tails, and Dr.

Take the controls as Anakin Skywalker, or any one of over 21 Podracers, and feel the full-force blast of two massive jet engines at simulated speeds of up to 600 mph.

Climb on, strap in, and experience the pure adrenaline-pumping excitement of the Podracing sequence from Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace.